At a Glance ...

Problem-solving courts in Michigan share nearly $17M

The Michigan Supreme Court has announced that the State Court Administrative Office has awarded nearly $17 million in grants to problem-solving court programs statewide, including drug and sobriety, mental health and veterans treatment courts.

Data have consistently shown that such specialized programs contribute to less repeat crime, lower unemployment rate, and improved quality of life of graduates, officials say.

“Our 204 problem-solving courts would not be able to change lives and strengthen communities across the state without the help of state and federal grant programs, so we are grateful for this vital investment,” said Justice Elizabeth T. Clement, who serves as the MSC liaison to these specialty courts.

Drug/sobriety courts will split $10.5 million while mental health courts are receiving $5.3 million. Veterans treatment courts will share just over $1 million.

Problem-solving courts are nontraditional programs that focus on nonviolent offenders whose underlying issues, such as a substance use disorder, have contributed to recurring involvement with the criminal justice system.

Crime victims in Macomb County can text to request rights

The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office is implementing technology allowing crime victims to send a text message to receive services from the Crime Victim Advocate Unit.

Using this new technology crime victims may now text “Victim Rights” or “Victim Advocate” or other requests to (586) 250-4090. Previously, victims had to complete physical paperwork or download forms.

With the new technology, victims will receive an automatic reply text with a link to an online form to request crime victims rights, an offer to connect with a Crime Victim Advocate and information on how to contact the Crime Victims Rights Unit on their own.

So far this year, more than 2,000  crime victims have requested victim rights, according to Prosecutor Peter Lucido.

SBM Immigration Law section plans annual meeting

The Immigration Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan will host its Annual Meeting & Party on Friday, Oct.  28 at Urbanrest Brewing Company in Ferndale.

The business meeting and elections will begin at 5 p.m. followed by a presentation from MI PODER 501(c)(4) at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served.

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