Kimble Center releases a Durable Power of Attorney for Finances

LANSING — The Kimble Center for Legal Drafting at WMU-Cooley Law School has released a free, downloadable Durable Power of Attorney for Finances. The document, intended for use in Michigan, allows a person to name someone to make financial decisions on their behalf either now or if they become incapacitated.

In 2020, the Kimble Center, created in 2018 by WMU-Cooley Law School released a Medical Power of Attorney. With this new document, the Center continues carrying out its mission to produce and make available to consumers legal documents that are easily understandable.

“Like the Medical Power of Attorney, the Durable Power of Attorney for Finances went through multiple drafts, was reviewed by legal experts and plain-language experts, was tested with typical users, and was designed by specialists in user-friendly document design,” said distinguished professor emeritus Joseph Kimble, the Center’s senior director. “Our goal is to create legal forms that are uniquely clear, attractive, and easy to use. I think readers will see this at a glance.”

The Kimble Center’s Medical Power of Attorney won a ClearMark Award from the Center for Plain Language. Both forms earned the WriteMark Plus designation for plain language from Write Limited, a New Zealand consulting organization. Both are screen readable and can be filled in online. They are available on the Center’s website: The medical form is also available on the website of Michigan Legal Help, and financial form will be added in the near future.



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