A political poem that underscores depth of hypocrisy

Berl Falbaum

“Hypocrisy,” a poem recited to the music and rhythm of “Macavity” from the musical, “Cats,” with apologies to composer Andrew Lloyd Webber.

 Hypocrisy, hypocrisy,

Thank God created hypocrisy;

Politicians indulge in it day and night,

Whether on the left or on the right;

On talk shows they display their talent,

Leaving talk show hosts to lament;

Republicans raised the debt under Trump,

Under Biden it is just plain dumb.


Hypocrisy, hypocrisy,

Thank God created hypocrisy;

Holding documents at Mar-a-Lago was just not fair,

Under Biden there was no there, there;

The documents Trump had was as bad as it gets,

But Biden says he has no regrets;

Hillary kept quiet about these travails,

Remembering she had trouble with her e-mails;


Hypocrisy, hypocrisy,

Thank God created hypocrisy;

McCarthy blamed Trump for the insurrection,

After a visit to Mar-a-Lago, went in a different direction;

He wanted to be the Speaker,

And was handed the gavel on a squeaker;

He not only turned into a louse,

But in the process gave away the House;

Graham said he would not give Trump a pass,

But then couldn’t stop kissing his a--;

George Santos’ numerous “embellishments,”

Made Trump’s lies look like accomplishments;

The Dems blasted Trump for sexual perversion,

For Clinton, they called it just a diversion;


Hypocrisy, hypocrisy,

Thank God created hypocrisy;

For Dems, Hillary’s loss was just horrible,

The cause, of course, was very “deplorable;”

SCOTUS decided Roe, setting a precedent,

Fifty years later they called it an accident;

Stare decisis they threw out,

With all the conservatives heaving their clout;

We can keep this up endlessly,

Because there is no shortage of hypocrisy;

We can bemoan the double standard hopelessly,

But the only constant in politics is hypocrisy;

It all started with the first couple,

When Eve urged Adam to bite the red apple;

They tried to blame the slithering snake,

A defense that God simply would not take;

 God recognized their duplicity,

And that was the beginning of hypocrisy;

God said I don’t like what I see,

And hoped his humans would agree;

Quickly, though, the concept swelled,

So, God, shrugging shoulders, said, “OK, what the hell;”


Hypocrisy, hypocrisy,

Thank God created hypocrisy.


Berl Falbaum is a veteran journalist and the author of 12 books.

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