Attorney writes eBook "U.S. Immigration Options for Startups: Accelerate Your American Dream"

Author and award-winning immigration attorney Fiona McEntee has written an eBook “U.S. Immigration Options for Startups: Accelerate Your American Dream,” a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide providing insight into immigration options for foreign entrepreneurs.

McEntee is the Managing Partner at McEntee Law Group, which exclusively handles immigration matters. Throughout her 15+-year career, she has worked with thousands of startup and would-be startup founders.

“As an immigration attorney who regularly works with startups, I see firsthand how much these innovative entrepreneurs can bring to the U.S. I have witnessed countless clients who have changed the game in their fields, and we are better, as a country, for having them here. Beyond the clients I have helped, there are so many talented immigrants waiting for the chance to start. So many with dreams, ideas, businesses and jobs waiting to grow, and I can’t wait to help them on their immigration journey,” said McEntee.

“U.S. Immigration Options for Startups: Accelerate Your American Dream” offers clear, accessible information foreign national founders need to know when considering U.S. immigration options.

McEntee and her team practice inbound immigration law in all 50 U.S. states. She is a member of the Media and Advocacy Committee for the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and is a regular contributor to national and international media, such as MSNBC, and the BBC. She recently had an OpEd published in Crain’s Chicago Business and previously wrote the award-winning children’s book on immigration, “Our American Dream.”

To order the eBook, visit