Federal judges to give ‘Perspectives from the Bench’
The Oakland County Bar Association along with the Litigation Section and Young Lawyers Section of the State Bar of Michigan, the Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, and the American Bar Association Litigation Section will present “State and Federal Court Perspectives from the Bench” on Thursday, May 18, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the offices of Dickinson Wright, 500 Woodward Ave., #4000, in Detroit.
U.S. District Court Judges Shalina D. Kumar and Gershwin A. Drain, Eastern District of Michigan will discuss the difference between state court and federal court practice from the perspective of the bench. A networking reception will follow the program.
To register for this free event, visit www.ocba.org and click on “events.”
FBA to host Annual Dinner June 7
The Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, will host its Annual Dinner on Wednesday, June 7, beginning at 5:15 p.m. in the International Banquet and Conference Center at the Atheneum Hotel, 400 Monroe St. in Detroit.
The Annual Dinner will feature the presentation of the 2023 Julian Abele Cook Jr. - Bernard A. Friedman Civility Award, recognition and thank yous to the members of the federal bench, election of chapter officers, live music, and social time with friends and colleagues.
Cost for the Annual Dinner is $89 for FBA members, $60 for federal law clerks and law students, and $121 for all non-members.
To register, visit www.fbamich.org and click on “events.”
‘Oversight in the Limelight’ presented by Levin Center and MAP
The Levin Center for Oversight and Democracy along with the Millennial Action Project (MAP) will present the webinar “Oversight in the Limelight – How State Legislators are the Eyes and the Voice of the People” Thursday, June 1, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.
The Levin Center and MAP will conduct a lunch and learn session on the Levin Center’s new State Oversight Academy and how oversight is part of government’s cycle of accountability. This webinar will cover state legislative oversight best practices including the creation of an oversight plan and offer an opportunity for questions on building a successful legislative oversight system.
To register for the free webinar, visit https://levin-center.org. Anyone with questions may email the Levin Center at Wayne Law at levincenter@wayne.edu.
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