Jewish Bar Association to present awards May 22

The Jewish Bar Association of Michigan will host its 2023 JBAM Awards Ceremony on Monday, May 22, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Townsend Hotel, 100 Townsend St. in Birmingham.

Awards to be featured at the ceremony include:

• Avern Cohn Lifetime Achievement Award—presented to Oakland County 47th District Court Judge Marla Parker.

• Ruth Bader Ginsberg Champion of Justice Award—presented posthumously to the late Judge Jamie L. Wittenberg.

• JBAM Volunteer of the Year Award—presented to Ellie Mosko.

• Charles J. Cohen, Esquire Law Student Scholarship—presented to Loren Shevitz.

Early bird registration (through May 12) is $36 for JBAM members and $48 for non-members.  After May 12, JBAM members pay $48 and non-members pay $60.  

To register, visit