ADR Section will present 'Mediator Forum' on July 11

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the State Bar of Michigan will present an online “Mediator Forum: Where Mediators Learn from Each Other” Tuesday, July 11, from noon to 2 p.m. via Zoom.

Three sessions are expected, each will focus on different topics from the list below:

—Techniques Specific to Zoom
    a. How has your practice changed with Zoom?
    b. Likes and dislikes about working on Zoom.
    c. Techniques more effective on Zoom; less effective on Zoom
    d. Plan B if technology fails
    e. Dealing with time disparities and party paranoia on Zoom vs in person
    f. Communication with the parties when not in room with them

—Management of the Negotiation Process
    a. Timing
    b. Dealing with party/advocate impatience
    c. Techniques for responding to charges an offer has “nuisance value”
    d. Encouraging building a rationale for offers
    e. Managing extreme opening offers and counter-offers

—Pre-mediation Work
    a. Conference calls with attorneys
    b. Ex parte calls with attorneys
    c. Pre-meetings with parties
    d. Written submissions or not?
    e. Educating parties and attorneys to get the most out of mediation
    f. Pre-mediation homework (e.g. discovery) and planting seeds (e.g. do a cost analysis for litigation)

The facilitators will be arbitrator and mediator Shel Stark and Zena Zumeta of Mediation Training and Consultation Institute.

To register, visit


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