Automotive Driving the revolution: The surging global demand for EV batteries

Growth in EV battery demand shapes future of mobility and energy storage

By Creshonda Smith
Wealth of Geeks

By 2035, all cars and light trucks sold in the state of California will be electric vehicles (EVs). And it’s not just a West Coast thing. Rhode Island, Washington, Virginia, Vermont, Oregon, New York, and Massachusetts have all opted to adopt California’s guidelines and several other states are considering similar approaches.

The world is witnessing a shift towards EVs as a cleaner and more sustainable mode of transportation. Government incentives, stricter emission regulations, environmental consciousness, and advancements in battery technology all drive the increasing popularity of EVs.

As the global market for these vehicles expands rapidly, the demand for batteries continues to soar. From improved battery technology to declining battery costs to the expansion of charging infrastructure and going electric with other transportation segments, the growth in EV battery demand is shaping the future of mobility and energy storage.


Rising EV market and consumer adoption

In 2022, the global demand for automotive lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries witnessed significant growth, increasing by approximately 65 percent to 550 GWh (gigawatt-hours) compared to 330 GWh in 2021. This surge was primarily influenced by rising sales of electric passenger cars, with a notable 55 percent increase in new registrations.

In China, battery demand for vehicles grew by over 70 percent, along with an 80 percent increase in electric car sales, though some were hybrid EVs. The United States experienced an 80 percent growth in battery demand for vehicles, despite electric car sales only increasing by 55 percent.

The projected growth worldwide is expected to be nearly 30 percent and reach close to 4,500 GWh annually by 2030. The battery value chain should expand up to ten times, with potential annual revenue reaching $410 billion between 2020 and 2030.

The two most common chemistries — lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) — are expected to have an equal market share. Electric vehicles will drive around 90 percent of the demand.


Primary factors that drive demand

Government incentives and emission regulations are crucial in stimulating consumer interest in electric vehicles. Many countries have implemented policies offering tax credits, rebates, and grants to incentivize the purchase of EVs.

Additionally, strict emission standards and regulations are compelling automakers to produce more electric and hybrid vehicles to comply with environmental targets.

Environmental awareness and sustainability concerns are of the utmost importance. Buyers are increasingly conscious of the negative impact of traditional internal combustion engines on air quality and climate change. Zero-emission EVs are a viable solution to combat high carbon footprints and reduce pollution levels.

Technological advancements and improved driving ranges have also contributed to higher consumer adoption. Early electric vehicles had limited driving ranges, leading to concerns about range anxiety. Major automobile companies are heavily investing money in electric vehicle production and research to meet the growing demand and stay competitive in this evolving market.


Advancements in battery technology

Batteries have markedly improved every year, becoming more powerful, efficient, and suitable for electric vehicles.

A significant area of advancement is the much-needed increase in energy density. Energy density is the amount of energy that can be stored in a particular weight or volume of battery. With a higher energy density, electric vehicles can achieve longer driving ranges on one charge alone, removing any concerns about running out of energy before reaching the destination.

Thanks to innovative research and development, battery manufacturing companies have made notable strides toward enhancing energy density, allowing electric vehicles to compete with their internal combustion counterparts regarding convenience and range.

Improvements in lithium-ion battery chemistry and manufacturing processes have contributed tremendously to the overall performance and durability of batteries. Enhanced electrode materials, such as lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) and nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC), created faster charging capabilities and increased energy storage.

Advancements in manufacturing have improved the reliability and consistency of battery production, ensuring safe battery packs and high quality for electric cars. Furthermore, advances in solid-state batteries and alternative chemistries hold limitless potential.


Government support and policies

Governments worldwide have implemented initiatives to promote electric vehicle (EV) adoption and support the transition to sustainable transportation. Tax credits, grants and subsidies, and grants make EVs more accessible to consumers.

Governments also fund battery technology research and development to drive advancements and cost reductions.

Regulatory measures, such as sales targets and emission standards, incentivize automakers to produce more EVs. International accords, like the Paris Agreement, reinforce the importance of sustainable transportation, motivating governments to implement policies supporting EV growth and battery technology.


Declining battery costs

As battery production scales up and technology advances, the cost of manufacturing batteries has steadily decreased, making electric vehicles more affordable for consumers.

Economies regarding scale play a considerable role in reducing battery costs. As the demand for electric vehicles increases, manufacturers can achieve higher production volumes, leading to more efficient costs concerning production and the procurement of raw materials.

Consequently, the cost reductions directly impact the affordability of electric vehicles for consumers. As battery costs represent a significant portion of the overall vehicle cost, the decline in battery prices enables automakers to offer electric vehicles at more competitive prices. This makes electric vehicles accessible to a broader range of consumers.

It’s projected that battery costs will continue to decrease for the foreseeable future. As technology advances, manufacturing processes become more streamlined, and battery chemistries evolve, the downward trend in battery costs is expected to continue. The cost reduction will further stimulate the demand for electric vehicle batteries and accelerate the transition from gas to electric vehicles.


Beyond automotive: Battery applications in other sectors

The demand for electric vehicle (EV) batteries extends beyond automotive use, finding applications in various sectors. Other traditional modes of manual transportation are also becoming electric, such as bikes, scooters, and motorcycles, which rely on compact battery packs.

Electric buses and commercial vehicles are also rising, offering zero-emission transportation solutions. In the industrial arena, electric forklifts and equipment replace traditional combustion options, reducing emissions and improving efficiency. Moreover, batteries are crucial in renewable energy storage, balancing supply and demand.

They store excess electricity from solar and wind sources, enhancing grid stability and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The expanding applications of batteries highlight their versatility and potential beyond the automotive industry.