SBAM helps businesses qualify for tax credit

The Small Business Association of Michigan has launched a new service to help small businesses gain best-in-class access to Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) tax refunds that can bring small businesses up to $26,000 per qualified employee.

The ERC is a refundable tax credit. SBAM has partnered with two vendors, Occams Advisory and CLRA Group, to help members apply for and receive the ERTC.

“The Employee Retention Credit could bring small businesses huge returns, especially since it can be retroactively applied for, and we’re proud to have partnered with Occams Advisory and CLRA Group to extend application help to our members,” said SBAM Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Beebe. 

SBAM’s approved partners will help SBAM members apply for ERC while strictly adhering to the complex set of laws and regulations that govern ERTC eligibility and filing.
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