At a Glance ...

Justices get back on the road again

As part of its “Court Community Connections” program, the Michigan Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Long Lake Twp v Todd Maxon, Supreme Court Case No. 164948, at Powers Catholic High School in Flint on Wednesday, October 18.

A debriefing session led by Supreme Court Chief Commissioner Daniel C. Brubaker and the attorneys for the parties will follow oral argument.

In addition to hearing oral arguments  in Lansing, justices and staff travel to communities statewide as part of the “Court Community Connections” program, which the court started as a public education program aimed primarily at high school students.

This will be the 28th time the court has traveled to hear a case at another location.

For additional information on the “Court Community Connections” program, visit

Applications being accepted for Court of Appeals vacancy

Applications are now being accepted for a seat on the Michigan Court of Appeals, 2nd District, to replace vacating Judge Elizabeth Gleicher.

To be considered for this position, applicants must be a State Bar of Michigan member who meets the legal qualifications for this office.  To be appointed, applicants must reside within the judicial district.

Judicial appointment questionnaire, writing samples, résumé, and supplemental documents must be submitted using the online portal at and received by 5 p.m. on Monday, October 23.

Additional letters of recommendation can still be submitted after the initial submission to

Questions may be directed to

‘Genetic Testing & Cold Cases’ explored during MJI webinar

The Michigan Judicial Institute (MJI) is presenting the webinar “Genetic Testing & Cold Cases” on Wednesday, Nov.  8, from noon to 1 p.m.

How do genetic genealogists use direct-to-consumer DNA tests to “crack” cold cases? The webinar will explore the world genetic genealogy, how it can support the investigation of crimes, and the ethical concerns of doing so.

Speaking at the program will be Retired Judge Donald Shelton, University of Michigan Dearborn, and CeCe Moore, Your Genetic Genealogist.

To register for the webinar, visit and scroll down to “Upcoming MJI Events.”


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