Victim advocates discuss ‘Cases With Colleagues’ online
The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan’s Victim Services Training Unit (VSTU) will host the online discussion “Cases With Colleagues” Thursday, December 14, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.
Prosecution office-based victim advocates are invited to join together for a peer-to-peer discussion about case situations victim advocates encounter. The VSTU will facilitate this discussion, encouraging attendee participation.
Victim advocates encounter multiple challenges as they navigate the criminal justice system with crime victims. Some of those challenges include helping a victim through a case that is dismissed or when there is an acquittal; cases with multiple victims; advocates working on multiple cases at one time in multiple courtrooms; working with child victims; interacting constructively with community service organizations; cases with out-of-town victims; difficulties in effectively communicating with other participants involved in the case; cases where it seems nothing is going right and more. Victim advocates can take advantage of this opportunity to share the challenges they are facing in their cases and provide mutual support to work toward positive outcomes.
To register for the online discussion, visit and click on “Training Calendar.”
Anyone with questions may contact Alex McGowan at McGowanA1@michi, Bill Dailey at DaileyB2@michi, or Jeannie Wernet at WernetJ@
This training is supported by a Crime Victim Rights Award. This award was made to the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Victim Services.
‘Collaborative, Holistic Services’ focus of webinar
The National Association for Public Defense (NAPD) will present the webinar “Collaborative, Holistic Services: Where to Begin?” on Thursday, November 30, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
The proliferation of collaborative, holistic styled defense is revolutionizing public defenders across the country. Yet, challenges remain in knowing how to identify resources, embed practices and develop strategies for effective implementation of these expanded services.
The webinar speakers will share their approach from inception to implementing collaborative services in diverse offices, utilizing existing and cultivated resources to bring clients greater services.
Speaking at the webinar will be Vichal Kumar, director of Capacity-Building at Partners for Justice, and Annie Legomsky, the Holistic Defense Services leader at Missouri State Public Defender.
Cost for the online course is $35. To register, visit and click on “events.”
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