At a Glance

SADO hosts ‘Reentry Holiday Party’

The State Appellate Defender Office’s Project Reentry will celebrate another banner year at its “Reentry Holiday Party” on Saturday, Dec. 16, from noon to 2 p.m. at SADO Detroit, 3031 W. Grand Blvd. Suite 450, in Detroit.

Guests will be able to reconnect with friends and family of the reentry community and share gratitude, memories, and some incredible accomplishments from the last year.

The party includes the annual Ugly Sweater Contest with prizes for the ugliest sweater.  Lunch will be served.

Registration, requested by Dec. 16, can be completed by visiting  

Anyone with questions may call 313-420-2955 or email

Child welfare hearings discussed at NCSC seminar

The National Center for State Courts will present a webinar on “What’s New with Virtual Child Welfare Hearings” Tuesday, Dec. 19, from 3 to 4 p.m. via Zoom.

Virtual hearings were a necessity to move child welfare cases forward during the pandemic; however, some jurisdictions are continuing to find benefits to using them as a tool.

In this webinar, attendees will hear from court experts about new resources to help courts facilitate meaningful and effective child welfare virtual hearings.

Speaking at the webinar will be:

• Teri Deal, deputy managing director, Court Consulting Services, National Center for State Courts

• Grace Spulak, senior court management consultant, Court Consulting Services, National Center for State Courts

• Angela Sager, senior court management consultant, Court Consulting Services, National Center for State Courts

• Miguel Trujillo, court management consultant, Court Consulting Services, National Center for State Courts

• Alicia Summers, director, Data Savvy Consulting

To register for the webinar, visit and click on “webinars.”


Hispanic Bar hosts Winter Party

The Hispanic Bar Association of Michigan will host its Winter Party on Wednesday, Jan. 10, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Apparatus Room, 250 W Larned St. in Detroit.  

The evening will feature drinks, appetizers, and music.

Tickets for the party cost $20 for HBAM?members and $30 for non-members.  

Registration can be completed by visiting

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