‘Forensic Interviewing’ focus of training in Detroit

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, Child Abuse Training Services (CATS) Program, in cooperation with the Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council, and the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), is pleased to present a regional, cross-professional Specialized Child Abuse Training seminar on the topic of “Forensic Interviewing: The Next Step.”

The Detroit training will take place Tuesday through Thursday, February 6-8, beginning with registration at 8:30 a.m. on the first day and conclude by 5 p.m. on the last day.       

This seminar is designed for prosecutors, CPS workers, police officers, and interviewers who will be conducting interviews. The training is designed to increase understanding of the primary features of forensic interviewing and provide information to enhance interviewing skills. The Forensic Interviewing training provided by the Child Abuse Training Services (CATS) department within PAAM is the only MDHHS and GTF approved Forensic Interviewing training within the state.

Michigan’s Forensic Interviewing Protocol was developed in conjunction with the MDHHS and the GTF. The goal of a forensic interview is to obtain a statement from a child in a developmentally sensitive, unbiased, and truth-seeking manner that will support accurate and fair decision-making in the criminal justice and child welfare systems. Topics to be covered include: (but not limited to)

• The Forensic/Phased Interview: Preparing for and conducting Forensic Interviews

• Understanding Medical Abuse

• Preparing yourself for court

• What your prosecutor needs

• In-depth report writing from actual case/interview transcript

• Individual (mock) interviewing practice

There is no registration fee for this seminar, however, if an attendee fails to complete the entire three-day training, no credit will be given and a fee may be assessed to their county or organization.

Attendees (or their agencies) are responsible for payment for overnight accommodations, transportation, meals, and other incidental costs.

To register for this three-day training, visit https://michigan prosecutor.org and click on “Training Calendar.” Registering by the cut-off date does not guarantee attendance. Confirmation details for this seminar will be sent out approximately 2 weeks prior to the seminar date. Anyone with questions may contact Jennifer Doerr at doerrJ@michigan.gov.