‘We all need help sometime’

(Photo by Bruce Rolfe)

$3,000 grant awarded to church’s food pantry

Submitted by Jo Ramsdell

Going into 2024, we are aware that hard times continue to affect many; and that includes some of the local food pantries.  Our small Scotts United Methodist Church Food Pantry falls into that category.  However, like the “Little Engine That Could,” our motto continues to be, “We think we can! We think we can!”  

In the beginning, concerned about the many needing food, Pastor Beverly Williams and her husband Harry created a small food box that stood in the church parking lot. But over time, the need out grew what the box could provide. Before the Williams’ left, they realized it was time for something more.

On June 6, 2021, our pantry doors unofficially opened, and one person stopped by. During that fall, the number of households fluctuated, but never more than seven. That was then, although during December 2023, our volunteers served 57 families, which benefited 174 people. Families come and go, but over the past 2 ½ years 93 different families have graced us with their presence, and the food they left with helped to feed 278. They may have left with food, but they left us with their friendships. What a beautiful 2-way blessing.

It has taken “a village” to keep food on our pantry shelves through numerous donations of food and toiletries. Also, the funds that pay the invoices from the South Michigan Food Bank are dependent on the personal donations made by the members of the Methodist churches in Climax and Scotts, Michigan. Though paying our food bills greatly depletes the funds, our members answer the call by digging deeper. Nonetheless, there is still the nagging thought that it may not be enough. With an increase of families attending each time, the underlying concern is, “When will the funds simply run out? And, what will happen to all of our new friends?” 

That’s when the realization of our situation became clear: in order to help others, we too needed help, and that’s okay.  Just think, how many times have you stood by watching someone you love really struggling, and you felt totally helpless. If that person had only realized, by allowing you to help them, they in turn would be helping you.   

Over the past several months, we sought different avenues for assistance, and in early December we received an answer. The Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan had awarded our pantry the Agent Charitable Fund (ACF) Feeding the Future Grant for $3,000.00, due to the efforts of Agent Angela Shannon. We spend an average of $350. per month on food, so this amazing gift will fund our pantry for an additional 8 ½ months.

This is the moment in the story, when our words catch in our throats and a warmth flows to our hearts, as we say thank you. This is the moment when we can admit to ourselves, and accept the fact, that we all need help sometime. And, that is okay.

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