At a Glance ...

Deadline nears for candidates
seeking ballot spot

April 23 is the filing deadline for certain candidates seeking office in 2024 to appear on the Aug. 6 primary ballot.?Candidates must submit their filing paperwork by 4 p.m.

The  deadline applies to the following:

• Nominating petitions and non-incumbent Affidavits for Court of Appeals, Circuit Court, District Court, and District Probate Court.

• Nominating petitions and Affidavits for partisan candidates for state House of Representatives, U.S. Congress, and U.S. Senate.

All probate judge candidates, some U.S. House of Representatives, and some House candidates, whose districts are wholly contained in a county, must file with their county clerk, not the Bureau of Elections.

The Bureau of Elections recommends that candidates filing at the state level set up an appointment through the Michigan Secretary of State online appointment system.

Additional information is available online at or by emailing

Michigan’s primary election is Aug. 6 and the general election is Nov. 5.

Bankruptcy Court, FBA co-sponsor
panel discussion

The Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, along with the Clerk’s Office of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Michigan, will host a roundtable discussion dedicated to increasing awareness surrounding court filings.  The online discussion will take place Tuesday, April 30, from noon to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Panelists will include Jennifer Clark, deputy in charge; Laura Hutson, chambers manager; and Sam Rakipi, operations supervisor.  

Among other subjects, the discusson will focus on:

• Top reasons for Notices of Deficiency/Orders to Strike—Navigating CM/ECF

• MIEB Website—As a resource

• Q&A with open forum

All bankruptcy attorneys and legal support staff using the court’s CM/ECF system are encouraged to attend.

To register, visit and click on “events.”

Tax court luncheon set by SBM section

The Taxation Section of the State Bar of Michigan will  host the “Tax Court Luncheon”  on Tuesday, on Tuesday, April 30, from noon to 2 p.m. at The Westin Book Cadillac, 1114 Washington Blvd. in Detroit.

The luncheon. will feature U.S. Tax Court Judge Joseph W. Nega as a special guest.

To register, visit

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