Upcoming Events

 ‘Weathering the Storm’ set May 23 to  September 2 

The Muskegon Museum of Art will present “John Steuart Curry: Weathering the Storm,” a showcase reunion of Curry’s most iconic masterpieces and a fresh perspective into the life and art of one of America’s most influential artists.

His paintings depict picturesque rural landscapes, communal gatherings, anddevastating natural disasters that impacted the Midwest, influenced the national perception of life in the region through popular culture and media in the late 1920’s. Visit https://muskegonartmuseum.org/exhibitions./

 ‘Rhapsody In Blue’ concert set May 10

The West Michigan Symphony season finale delivers high-energy, fast moving and not-to-be missed works, topped off by pianist Aldo López-Gavilán’s brilliant rendition of Gershwin’s beloved Rhapsody in Blue. The concert is set 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 10, at the Frauenthal Center.

For more information, visit https://westmichigansymphony.org/events/rhapsody-in-blue/

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