Cooley Law School Student Receives the 2024 National Association of Women Lawyers’ Outstanding Student Award

Cooley Law School student Michelle Guzman was recently named a 2024 Outstanding Law Student by the National Association of Women Lawyers. She was nominated by Cooley Professor Joseline Hardrick for her contributions to advancing women in society and the legal profession, academic achievements, and leadership. Guzman will be recognized during the law school’s Honors Convocation in July.

“Michelle’s exceptional journey from the military to the legal profession, underscored by her unwavering commitment to advancing women’s roles in society and the legal field, makes her an exemplary candidate for this prestigious accolade,” Hardrick said of Guzman in her nomination letter. “Her ability to balance academic excellence with extracurricular leadership and community service is commendable. I am confident she will continue to inspire and significantly contribute to the legal community.”

Before joining Cooley, Guzman lived in Coamo, Puerto Rico, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in human resources management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Her collegiate journey was marked by active involvement in the Mu Alpha Phi Sorority and an internship with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) in Washington, DC. Opting for a career in cybersecurity with the U.S. Air Force Reserve, Guzman received the Air Force Reserve Meritorious Service Medal and was recognized as the 2018 Airman of the Quarter and Outstanding Airman of the Year.

While at Cooley, Guzman has served as Hispanic Organization of Legal Advocates president, 3L Senator for the Student Bar Association and the Diversity & Inclusion Chair, and volunteered with Cooley Law School’s Debt Relief Clinic.

The National Association of Women Lawyers’ Outstanding Law Student Award recognizes third-year law students who are nominated by a faculty member of their respective law school. Nominees must meet the following criteria: contribute to the advancement of women in society, promote issues and concerns of women in the legal profession; exhibit motivation, tenacity, and enthusiasm; demonstrate high academic achievement; and earn the respect of their colleagues.

Guzman will be recognized in the Women Lawyers Journal and will receive complimentary registration to NAWL’s annual meeting in July.

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