Upcoming Events ...

Used Book Sale set May 31, June 1
at Dalton Branch

The Dalton Branch of the Muskegon Area District Library will hold a Used Book Sale 9 a.m to 5 p.m., on Friday, May 31, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, June 1.

Items will include  best-selling authors, DVDs, and children’s fiction.

For more information, call the Dalton Branch at (231) 828-4188 or visit the website at https://madl.evanced.info/signup/Calendar.

‘Weathering the Storm’
runs through September 2

The Muskegon Museum of Art will present “John Steuart Curry: Weathering the Storm,” a showcase reunion of Curry’s most iconic masterpieces and a fresh perspective into the life and art of one of
America’s most influential artists. The exhibit will run through September 2.

Curry’s paintings depict picturesque rural landscapes, communal gatherings, and  devastating natural disasters that impacted the Midwest, influenced the national perception of life in the region through popular culture and media in the late 1920’s. Visit https://muskegonartmuseum.org/exhibitions./

Alexis Lombre Quintet
Jazz Concert is set June 1

The Alexis Lombre Quintet will perform 7:30 p.m., Saturday, June 1,  in The Block. Lombre is a young jazz pianist, vocalist and composer from Chicago who discovered early that the true essence of music is not just about what you hear but how music makes you feel.  Her musical mission is to keep the ‘Soul’ in music alive.

For information and tickets visit https://westmichigansymphony.org/events/alexis-lombre-quintet-jazz-quintet/