Governor Whitmer on President Biden’s executive action to secure the southern border

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer released the following statement Tuesday supporting President Biden’s executive action to secure the country’s southern border after Republicans in Congress voted twice to block the toughest, fairest bipartisan border security legislation in modern history. 

“President Biden’s executive action will help secure our country’s border by making it easier for immigration officers to remove those who are here unlawfully, reducing the burden on our Border Patrol agents. Today’s announcement builds on the president’s work to deploy a record number of border agents and officers to the southern border. The American people want real solutions, and President Biden is delivering today. 

“However, we still need Congress to act on legislation that will strengthen these efforts. President Biden sent Congress a comprehensive immigration reform plan on day one, and repeatedly requested more border resources from Congress, only to be blocked by Republicans. They should stop playing political games and work with the administration on a coordinated, bipartisan federal solution to fix our broken system. 

“As governor of Michigan and commander in chief of the Michigan National Guard, I will continue to approve federal requests for Guard deployments to the southern border -- just as we have under both the Trump and Biden administrations. 

“We must work together to put politics aside to secure our border and keep people safe.”

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