Clinton Township man sentenced in child support case

A 41-year-old Clinton Township man was sentenced Thursday in connection with a 2011 child support case in which he owed over $14,000.

In August of 2011, Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Mark Switalski ordered Kevin Traylor to pay child support on one minor child. 

As of June 2023, Traylor owed $14,114.36 in back child support.  

The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office charged Traylor with failing to pay child support, a four-year felony. 

Earlier this month, Traylor pled guilty to the charge and Switalski issued a delayed sentence for Traylor to pay the remainder of the child support owed in the next 11 months. 

If Traylor pays the full amount owed, the charge of failing to pay child support will be dismissed and a charge of disorderly person, a 90-day misdemeanor, will be filed.

“Ensuring the welfare of our children is a top priority, and we will vigorously pursue those who neglect their financial responsibilities. This sentence serves as a clear message: the prosecutor's office will hold accountable any parent who owes back child support. No one is above the law when it comes to supporting their children,” said Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido.

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