Daily Briefs

Detroit Mercy Law Veterans Law Clinic successfully petitions for first discharge upgrade

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law’s Veteran’s Law Clinic (VLC) had its first fully Honorable Discharge upgrade granted for a U.S. Navy veteran. Professor Holly Christian, director of the VLC, expanded the clinic’s practice to include record corrections when she joined the law school in 2021.

“This client had zero misconduct in his record, only accolades, and recommendations for promotions and medals. When he received a career ending back injury, he was told he would receive an Honorable Discharge, but was given a general discharge status instead. This status made him ineligible to receive his hard-earned military educational benefits,” explained Christian. “Our client now plans to go to college to study agriculture and use that degree for a career to support his young family.”

Nachiket Sarvaiya, Dual 3L, wrote the memorandum that was presented to the Board of Corrections for Naval Records. “Professor Christian’s guidance and insight made it possible to achieve this goal for our veteran. I’m very grateful to have played a part in this successful outcome,” he said.

The VLC was established in 2008 and has secured more than $4.5 million in back benefits for veterans since it opened. In addition to record corrections, students represent veterans, families, and survivors in obtaining pension, disability, compensation, and related benefits.

‘Advanced Trial Training Program’ presented by FBA

The Federal Bar Association of Michigan, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, in conjunction with the American College of Trial Lawyers will present an “Advanced Trial Training Program” on Wednesday, July 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse, 231 W. Lafayette Blvd. in Detroit.

This event will focus on pre-trial issues, and include the participation of several federal judges, with an eye toward preparing for trial: discovery, dispositive motion practice, case conferences, motions in limine, and trial preparation.
Panel discussions will feature U.S. District Court Judges Terrence Berg, Susan DeClercq, Shalina Kumar, Matthew Leitman, David Lawson, Brandy McMillion, and Laurie Michelson.

The program will conclude with a reception.

The cost for this full-day event is $140 for FBA members  and $215 for non-members. To register, visit https://fbamich.org and click on “calendar.”

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