Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

I am writing to encourage South County voters to Say Yes to Seniors when they case their ballots in the August 6 Primary Election. For less than $3 per year we can collectively continue to generate approximately $3.7 million to help support seniors living at home in every township, city and village in Kalamazoo County.

Senior millage dollars fund vital services, including home delivered meals, help with household chores and personal car, as well as wheelchair ramps, emergency response devices, home repair, and transportation. This helps seniors stay in their homes, and helps caregivers connect with critical support services needed by older adults.

During 2023, for example, 10,862 older adults county-wide received services from the senior millage. Five-hundred and sixty-four older adults living in South County benefitted from the senior millage in 2023.

Not only older adults benefit from the senior millage; it will benefit caregivers by funding respite care so someone can come into the home to give the caregiver a break to take care of themselves or attend to other important business. In addition, employers in Kalamazoo County also benefit because their employees won’t be absent due to the unmet needs of their loved ones. The senior millage provides the care, quality of life, and dignity that vulnerable seniors deserve, making our community a better place to live for all of us.

Please Say Yes to Seniors on August 6.

Danna M. Downing