Groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of construction on the new $228 million Macomb County Central Intake and Assessment Center

Macomb County  hosted a groundbreaking ceremony Friday at the site of the future Central Intake and Assessment Center (CIAC), a modern facility that will replace the county’s outdated jail structure.

The event featured officials breaking down walls to mark the start of construction, which will see approximately 77,850-square-feet of the existing jail (D-Blocks, maximum security, rehabilitation and the annex) demolished and cleared from the site.

“It’s an important day for our community, as we’re taking steps to transform public safety and corrections,” said County Executive Mark Hackel. “Truly, this is more than a jail. It’s an opportunity to address some of the root causes of crime and recidivism, and it’s a chance to take a mindful approach to mental health. I’m grateful to all of our partners who helped make this vision a reality, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished together.”

“I am extremely happy and grateful that we have arrived at this 20-plus-year venture,” said Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham. “We have been working diligently over the last few years to come up with a facility that will focus on three key needs at the Macomb County Jail – Central Intake and Assessment Center, robust pretrial services, and a new medical and mental health facility. As your Sheriff, I am excited to start this new journey that will improve the overall criminal justice system and operations at the Macomb County Jail.”

Construction of the CIAC is expected to be complete by mid-2027. 

With the estimated project cost of $228 million, Macomb County is demonstrating its commitment to the well-being of its community by utilizing a combination of federal, State of Michigan and County funding with no tax increases to fund this effort.

“Macomb County is managed financially conservatively and as a result, our balance sheet is strong and enables us to pay cash for this project,” said Don Brown, chair, Macomb County Board of Commissioners. “The collaborative effort between the Sheriff, County Executive and the Board of Commissioners has led us to this point. When completed, those who come in contact with law enforcement and have drug or mental health issues receive a chance to turn their lives around. This not only benefits them and their families, but the taxpayers and society at large.”

When complete, the Central Intake and Assessment Center will be approximately 159,202-square-feet. There will be 278 additional cell beds, some standard and some similar to hospital environments to emphasize rehabilitation for incarcerated men and women. In total, Macomb County will have 1,178 beds.

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