Counselor's Corner: Positive choices

Fred Cavaiani

Happiness in life just doesn’t happen. As much as it can be easy to believe that happiness comes from how other people treat us, that perception is a fallacy. Happiness in life is the result of the positive choices we make to be loving and kind toward others. Happiness results from the positive choices we make in how we spend our alone time. Happiness results from the positive choice we make in each present moment.

A positive choice is a choice to be loving and a choice to be quietly reflective. A positive choice is to always speak well of others. A positive choice is a choice to turn closer to God by quietly prayer, meditation, and reflection. A positive choice is to listen attentively to others. A positive choice is to take care of our body by consistent, daily exercise and movement of our bodies. It doesn’t have to be intense or overwhelming but our bodies need the positive choice of moving them consistently each day with some moderate exercise, walking, etc.

When we make positive choices like these, we choose to discover our better self just waiting to be embraced. A positive choice will always open us more to God and to the love of others and to a positive and appropriate love toward our own self.

Negative choices such as criticizing others, judging and condemning others create obstacles that will block us from internal peace and happiness. Our corner of the world will improve when we make positive choices.

As the years pass by it can become easier to recognize the negative choices of criticism of others and unhealthy attitudes toward life. To focus on negativity is a poor choice of how to live. To choose to be loving toward others and receptive to God in quiet reflection and meditation is a positive choice of how to live.

It is an amazing uplifting experience when we make positive choices. In each present moment I can become more aware of how to make a positive choice and I can become more consciously aware of the danger and uselessness of making a negative choice. When I become mindful of the goodness in each present moment, I will make a good choice. When I become mindful of the presence of God in each present moment, I will make a good choice. Sometimes a positive choice can be to sit quietly and experience God. At other times a positive choice is to look for the positive qualities in another person and tell that person about those positive qualities that you see in him or her.

It is really quite easy to be loving and positive when we realize that this is simply a choice we can make. It also can be quite easy to have a positive experience of God when we realize that it is a choice we can make to become reflectively quiet and receptive to God.

I thing we can often forget or often minimize the power of making good choices in our life. Peace and happiness are the result of making good choices. Good choices are always connected to God and to Love. So often we complicate life by making negative choices to be angry, critical, and fighting what we need to embrace in each present moment.

The positive choice to be grateful in each present moment is also an excellent choice to bring us into a peaceful and happy state of existence.

When I choose to be positive, reflective, loving and grateful, I am choosing to put myself into a presence of God that is healing, uplifting and wise. It is simple a choice to become positively and lovingly alive with God, others and myself. Whenever I am positive and loving, I am letting the power and love of God take over and help me and guide me. This is the power of positive choices.


Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage counselor and psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center, a consultant for the Detroit Medical Center, and conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Southeast Michigan.

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