At a Glance ...

Webinar takes close look at
intellectual property matters

The National Arab American Bar Association of Michigan will present guest speakers Noor Kareem and Jake Ward of Ward Law Office as they provide a free “Intellectual Property Primer Webinar” on Monday, Sept. 9, beginning at noon.

Kareem and Ward will address questions about intellectual property, patents, trademarks, and copyrights — along with any questions.

Discussion points will include:
  • Pathways to Becoming a Patent Practitioner
  • Role and Responsibilities of Patent Practitioners
  • Understanding IP Differences  
  • When is a Patent Unnecessary?

To register to attend the free webinar, visit

Genesee County Youth Safety
Initiative discussed online

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan and the Juvenile Justice &?School Safety Training Project will host “In the Lunchroom with Juvenile Justice: Genesee County Youth Safety Initiative” online Tuesday, Sept. 10, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

The Genesee Youth Safety Initiative is a multi-program endeavor lead by the Prosecutor’s Office, utilizing a community task force and restorative justice practices to stem juvenile crime.  During the program, Genesee County Bureau Chief Gerald D. Snodgrass II will discuss “Restorative Justice and Violence Reduction Strategies.”

There is no charge to attend this online training for prosecutors and assistant prosecutors, but advance registration is requested.  

To register, visit and click on “Training Calendar.”

EPA takes charge of  cleanup of storage site for vaping supplies

CLINTON TOWNSHIP (AP) — The federal government is leading a cleanup of the hazardous remains of a Detroit-area storage site for vaping supplies.

In March, explosions destroyed the building, sent debris flying for miles and killed a man.

Goo Smoke Shop in Macomb County was stuffed with vape pens, butane cannisters, nitrous oxide cylinders and lithium batteries.

 The owner has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of a 19-year-old man who was struck by a nitrous oxide cannister a quarter-mile away.

Clinton Township's top elected official, Supervisor Bob Cannon, said the EPA “grabbed it by the horns” and has been “fabulous.”

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