At a Glance ...

Grant reallocation, contract amendments
training offered

The Michigan Judicial Institute  will present “PSC/SSSPP Grant Reallocation and Contract Amendments (Virtual) Training” hosted by Problem-Solving Courts (PSC) on Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

This module of the Grant Management Training Series will build off the previous GMTS Claims training to illustrate the connections between claim submissions, program spending patterns, and reallocation efforts to support SCAO’s goal of maintaining and/or increasing PSC funding through improved utilization. This training will also offer detail the differences between types of contract amendments and educate participants on how to choose the appropriate amendment type for their intended result.

For registration information, contact

Online program outlines new
Power of Attorney Act

"Michigan’s adoption of a new Power of Attorney Act in July 2024 has led to more powers but also some limitations of previous power of attorney laws for those taking care of loved ones.

Caregivers in Michigan wanting more information can attend a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. with a presentation by estate planning attorney Howard Collens of Collens Estate Law PLLC in Huntington Woods.

The free event is being offered by The Dorothy and Peter Brown Jewish Community Adult Day Program, a joint initiative of Gesher Human Services and Jewish Senior Life,  which provides activities, care and socialization for those living with dementia along with support for their families at its two centers in West Bloomfield and Southfield.

To register, email Joanna Dorfman at

Firm kicks off series with focus
on recent tax developments

The Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan (CDAM) will conduct the webinar “Impact of Facial Recognition Settlement on Criminal Defense” on Friday, Jan. 17, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

As a result of a settlement in Williams v. City of Detroit, the Detroit Police Department has made substantial changes to its policies governing facial recognition technology and eyewitness lineups. The changes will likely affect the work of criminal defense attorneys who are representing individuals arrested in Detroit.

This session aims to educate defense lawyers on how the settlement might improve their ability to defend those individuals, as well as national trends in the police use of facial recognition.

Visit to register.

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