Daily Briefs

Respondents favor individuals over insurers in lawsuits

BOSTON (Daily Record Newswire) — More than half of the respondents in a recent poll said they would favor an individual in a lawsuit against an insurance company, according to the Defense Research Institute.
DRI conducted a national telephone survey to assess how insurance companies would fare against various demographics.
Fifty-nine percent of all respondents said they would side with the plaintiff over an insurance company, with little difference in results between men and women.
Twenty-one percent said they would be inclined to favor the insurance company and just 20 percent believed they could be impartial.
DRI found that younger respondents were even more likely to favor plaintiffs, with 71 percent of those aged 18-29 saying they would side with an individual.
The defense group also analyzed responses by political party. Seventy-three percent of those identifying as liberals indicated support for individuals over an insurance company; 50 percent of conservatives said the same.
Based on the survey results, the group least likely to favor an individual: college graduates with an income in excess of $100,000, the only demographic surveyed in which fewer than half of respondents said they would be inclined to support the plaintiff.
The DRI said the poll is the first of what will be an annual national opinion survey by the group.

Deadline for judicial applications extended

The deadline for interested individuals to apply for consideration to fill federal judicial vacancies on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan has been extended one week, to Feb. 1.
The Judicial Advisory Committee established by Sens. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow will accept applications through 5 p.m. EST on Friday, Feb. 1. This diverse and broadly based committee, made up of legal professionals in Michigan, will evaluate all of the applicants and give their recommendations to the senators, who will then make recommendations to the president.
Those interested in applying for the judicial vacancies should download and fill out the application for U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan at the senators’ websites:
www.levin.senate.gov/newsroom/press/release/application-for-us-district-court  or
and submit two copies of a CD or DVD, each of which should contain the following two pdf files:
• one pdf of the application and letters of recommendation;
• one pdf of any supporting documents that you believe are necessary for the committee to evaluate your application.
 The CDs or DVDs should be returned by U.S. mail, courier service or hand delivery to arrive no later than 5 p.m. on Feb. 1 at:
 Judicial Advisory Committee
Attn: Cassandra Woods
Office of the U.S. Senator Carl Levin
Room 1860
McNamara Building
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226-2576

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