5 keys to generating business for your firm

The game has changed, hasn't it? In years past, a good attorney could generate business with a billboard, radio or direct mail. But people now have multiple ways to find resources when legal issues arise. With internet options available 24 hours a day, law firms need a combination of ways to generate business. Educate all attorneys in ways to attract new business: This is especially important to do with new attorneys, who may not think they can generate new business due to their lack of experience. Everyone has a network; new attorneys can use the milestone of passing the bar to reach out to family and friends. This is an opportunity to not only let friends and family share their successes, but also talk about the law firm they joined. Your other attorneys have large networks as well - and often need to be reminded to talk about your organization. All too often, we size people up to see if they might be a potential client, when in fact everyone you encounter may be a client. When I was recently at a networking event full of suits, one person stood out dressed in jeans and cowboy boots. Fortunately, I did not discount him, and a conversation led to a meeting. What if your mechanic's son is the CEO of a major insurance company? The person mowing your lawn or doing your dry cleaning may indeed be a potential source of business. Never underestimate the people you meet and use it as an opportunity to promote what you and your firm do. Honesty: All people need to understand that everything they do communicates something - sometimes inadvertently. For this reason, they need to set a good example because their behaviors are a reflection on the way they conduct business. You need to be seen as someone who is always trustworthy in both your work and personal life. Everything is a test, and you are always on stage. Another example is when you go out on a night on the town. Your behavior again is a reflection on your practice, and you are marketing yourself and your firm through your actions. People want to hire attorneys who are in control of their lives, not necessarily the life of the party. Grow your network: All business is based on relationships, so it is important to develop relationships with people outside of your usual circle. It will be difficult to build a practice if you're only getting together with people from work, especially if you are a young attorney. Find organizations and events where other attorneys attend. Get involved and put yourself in social situations that will give you the opportunity to connect with new people. Some of the people with whom you connect may not be able to give you a referral now, but perhaps they will in the future. For this reason, you need to stay connected. Consistency is key: For people to do business with you, you need to be in the forefront of their mind. This means staying connected through social media and learning about your people. Some of the best networking advice is to jot notes on a person's card - including where you met them and any pertinent information you got from your conversation. A note on a birthday you found on LinkedIn or Facebook can go a long way toward developing the relationship. Be truly interested in the people with whom you interact, because people can spot phony a mile away. Thanks to the internet, you have a whole host of ways to stay connected and in the forefront. Position yourself as a thought leader: A good way to provide value to your clients and be seen as a thought leader is by providing valuable information to your clients. Write timely articles on topics of interest and place them on your website and social media sites. You can also provide videos, so they get a better sense of who you are. The content will be determined by the clients you choose to target. The most effective ways to generate business as an attorney involve connecting with your clients in multiple ways. Investing time into marketing both yourself and your law firm is necessary today. Be active in your community and build relationships that last to gain visibility; it can get you plenty of clients when done right. Who knows where your next lead will come from? ----- Beth Sears, Ph.D., president of Workplace Communication, Inc. is an interpersonal and organizational communication expert. Using her unique approach, Beth has helped leaders to clarify their vision and create language that inspires and engages their workforce, resulting in collaborative, focused teams. Contact her at (585) 538-6360. Published: Mon, Oct 21, 2019