Daily Briefs

Whitmer proposes $61.9B budget with boost in school funding

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday proposed a $61.9 billion state budget, including what she said would be the biggest increase for Michigan classroom operations in 20 years.
The plan would boost overall spending by 3.9%.

Whitmer, a Democrat, proposed increasing base per-student funding by $225, or 2.8%, for most schools. She also proposed $60 million increases for special education and academically at-risk and economically disadvantaged students, and $250 payments to teachers who spend their own money on classroom supplies.

Whitmer again sought funding from the Republican-led Legislature for her proposed Reconnect program to provide tuition-free community college or technical training to nontraditional students age 25 and older who don't have an associate's or bachelor's degree. It is backed by the business lobby but was not enacted last year.

Unlike in 2019, Whitmer did not make a fuel tax increase the linchpin of her budget proposal — having recently announced that the state will borrow money to start fixing state-owned roads and bridges.

"This is a thoughtful budget that focuses on increased funding for education and skill development, providing for the health and needs of working families, and protecting Michigan's water," she said in a statement.

Whitmer proposed $37.5 in new spending to reduce infant mortality rates and provide expanded health care to pregnant Medicaid recipients and those with infants.


Former priest to stand trial on rape charges

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A former Roman Catholic priest in Michigan will be tried on sexual assault charges for allegedly abusing a 5-year-old boy after a 1987 family funeral, Attorney General Dana Nessel said Wednesday.

Vincent DeLorenzo was bound over for trial after a hearing before Grand Blanc District Court Judge Christopher Odette. The judge also increased DeLorenzo's bond from $100,000 to $200,000. He remains in Genesee County Jail.

DeLorenzo, 81, is accused of abusing the boy from 1995 to 2000. The child was a student at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church school in Burton. The alleged victim testified he was raped by DeLorenzo in the second grade. Defense attorney Michael Manley has said his client ``maintains his innocence."

Although the alleged crime took place more than 10 years ago, Michigan's statute of limitations is suspended when a defendant leaves the state for any reason. DeLorenzo admitted when he resigned from a Flint-area parish in 2002 that he had sexually abused a child. He wasn't charged at the time.


DBA 2020 Mardi Gras in the ‘D’ Membership Mixer set for Feb. 25

The Detroit Bar Association 2020 Mardi Gras in the “D” Membership Mixer will be held from 5-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 25 at Fishbones, 400 Monroe St. Cost to attend for members is $25, $35 for non-members, $20 for students, and judges attend free. Register at https://members.detroitlawyer. org/.


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