Daily Briefs

Judge to speak at law school’s Juneteenth event

Western Michigan University Cooley Law School will present an online “Juneteenth Celebration” with Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Kwamé Rowe on Friday, June 17 from noon to 1 p.m. via Webex.

Prior to his appointment to the bench in 2021, Rowe served as an assistant prosecutor for Oakland County. He was a special assistant prosecuting attorney with the Trafficking Unit working on felony cases involving human trafficking, complex narcotics, and homicide. He previously served as a clerk under Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Leo Bowman.

Rowe earned his law degree from Western Michigan University Cooley Law School and a Bachelor of Arts from Michigan State University’s James Madison College. He serves as a volunteer at Pontiac High School.

To sign up for WMU-Cooley’s online “Juneteenth Celebration,” visit www.cooley.edu/events.


Clark Hill conducts webinar on PFAS issues in real estate

Clark Hill will present a two-day webinar series exploring some of the risks and challenges posed by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in real estate and corporate deals.

“Beyond Compliance: Addressing PFAS in Transactions and Site Remediation” will be offered Tuesday and Wednesday, June 21-22, beginning at 1 p.m.  Each 45-minute session will provide bite-size insights, with time for questions and discussion.

Part 1, “The Uninvited Guest: When PFAS Enters the Transaction,” will address PFAS issues when conducting due diligence, negotiating deal terms, and ensuring post-closing obligations are met.

Part 2, “PFAS Contamination: Effective Legal & Technical Responses,” will offer insights from a Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional, and Clark Hill attorneys will lead a discussion on how to address the many legal and technical issues in a carefully coordinated response to the PFAS contamination.

Among the Clark Hill attorneys speaking during the webinar will be Loukas P. Kalliantasis of the firm’s Birmingham office.

For additional information or to register for the 2-day webinar, visit www.clarkhill.com and click on “News & Events.”

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