Rep. Roberts opens Lansing office

 State Rep. Brett Roberts has officially opened his Lansing office to serve 65th House District, and announced key contact information for residents to reach him and his staff.

“It’s an honor and a privilege to serve the residents of the 65th District,” said Roberts, R-Eaton Township. “I am always committed to putting the interests of the district first, and one way to accomplish this is by always having my Lansing office open. I encourage residents of the 65th District to visit or call my office whenever they have a concern or want to discuss an issue.”
Legislative staffers Caitlin Boyle and Tony Mosesso will join Roberts in his Lansing office. Boyle, a graduate of Michigan State University, previously worked in the state Senate, and will serve as Roberts’ legislative assistant.  Mosesso, also a graduate of Michigan State University, previously worked in the Senate, and will be the constituent relations and legislative assistant.
The office is located at 124 N. Capitol Ave., Room 999, Lansing, and the office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents can contact Rep. Roberts at (517) 373-1775, at and online at
The 65th House District includes parts of Lenawee, Jackson and Eaton counties.

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