Juvenile case records discussed

Rules for retaining and destroying case files and other court records in various juvenile cases--such as child protection, personal protection orders against juveniles, and juvenile delinquency--would be clarified under proposed changes to Michigan Court Rule 3.925. The proposed amendment is on the agenda for the Michigan Supreme Court's January 30 public administrative hearing. The hearing will take place in the Court's courtroom on the 6th floor of the Michigan Hall of Justice, 925 W. Ottawa Street, Lansing. The hearing will begin at 9:30 a.m. and adjourn no later than 11:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to address the Court on an agenda item may contact the Clerk of the Court by e-mail at MSC_clerk@ courts.mi .gov or in writing at P.O. Box 30052, Lansing, MI 48909, no later than Monday, January 28, 2013 to reserve a place on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes per agenda item. The proposed amendment to MCR 3.925 (ADM File No. 2012-12) would amend the rule to require the register of actions, and numerical and alphabetical indexes, to "be maintained permanently." Courts would also be required to maintain certain juvenile records permanently, including orders terminating parental rights, orders terminating jurisdiction in child protective cases, and orders appointing or dismissing guardians for juveniles. These requirements are consistent with existing court record retention timelines under General Schedule 16. Other provisions provide a timetable for destroying other records, such as case files in juvenile offenses and child protective proceedings. Published: Mon, Jan 21, 2013

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