New ABA book focuses on location-based marketing for solo and small firm lawyers

Just published by the American Bar Association, “Own the Map: Marketing Your Law Firm’s Address Online” by Conrad Saam highlights marketing tactics that successful law firms employ to capitalize on the convenience of location.

With the proliferation of smartphones, people are searching for “pizza restaurants near me,” “ATMs near me” and, yes, even “divorce lawyer near me.” It’s time for attorneys and law firm marketers to understand that office location in relation to prospective clients is an asset that must be leveraged to maximize effectiveness across all marketing efforts.

Nearly half the people who seek legal counsel choose a lawyer based primarily on where that attorney is located. If done well, marketing campaigns — including search engine optimization, pay-per-click, remarketing, email and social media — employ a precise local facet. Precision location targeting through these channels transforms advertising costs into marketing investments. “Own the Map” takes a detailed trip into the mind of the prospective legal customer. And in the legal industry, that customer is almost always local.

Saam is founder and president of Mockingbird Marketing, an online marketing agency focused exclusively on the legal sector. He is a Google Small Business Advisor and the author of “The FindLaw Jailbreak Guide.” He also has held various positions for ABA Law Practice Division marketing committees.


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