At a Glance ...

Appeals court revives anti-fracking effort: could get on ballot

LANSING. (AP) — A proposal to ban fracking in Michigan could land on the ballot in November.

The state appeals court last week ruled in favor of fracking opponents and revived their effort to present the issue to voters.

Hydraulic fracturing is a process in which millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals are injected into wells miles deep to break up layers of shale, releasing oil or gas. Critics say it threatens the environment.

The court said state election officials were wrong to reject petitions with more than 270,000 signatures in 2018. The state said a summary of the proposal had referred to a wrong election date. But the appeals court said that's irrelevant.

Fracking opponents “submitted an initiative petition that was facially compliant with all statutory requirements,” the court said.

The Board of State Canvassers now must judge the petition and the signatures, the court said.

If there are enough valid signatures, the Legislature would decide whether to adopt the proposal. If lawmakers decline, it would go on the ballot, according to the Committee to Ban Fracking in Michigan.

Court: Ohio school workers must have training to carry gun

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio (AP) — Employees must have the same kind of training that police officers receive to carry concealed weapons at an Ohio school district where two students were shot and wounded by a classmate, a state appeals court ruled.

The decision Monday by the 12th District Court of Appeals came after a Butler County judge dismissed a complaint filed by parents from the Madison Local Schools opposing the weapons policy, The Journal-News reported.

The district's school board voted to allow armed school employees after a 2016 shooting in which two students were shot and wounded by a 14-year-old boy. Teachers and staff members who wished to arm themselves were required to have a concealed carry permit and have completed 24 hours of active shooter training.

Butler County Judge Charles Pater in dismissing the parents' lawsuit said teachers and school staff did not need extensive training because they are not law enforcement officers.

The appeals court judges said Ohio law requires anyone who carries a firearms in schools to have undergone a minimum of 728 hours of law enforcement training.

Meals available for seniors at two locations

The Macomb County Meals on Wheels program is providing drive-up meals for seniors in Macomb County.

There are two locations:

• Mt. Clemens Farmers Market, 141 North River Road, Mt. Clemens (between the YMCA and Gibraltar Trade Center)
• Stillwell Manor, 26600 Burg Rd, Warren (off 11 Mile Road near Hoover)

Pick-up time is between 10 a.m. and noon. Individuals will need to have ID, must be 60-years-old and must reside in Macomb County

For more information, or if you are unable to get to a location, call the Office of Senior Services at 586.469.5228 or email


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