WCC hosts candidate forum

By Jo Mathis Legal News Five of the six candidates hoping for a seat on Washtenaw County's 22nd Circuit Court met at a public forum July 31 at Washtenaw Community College. Judge Timothy P. Connors is facing a challenge from attorney Michael T. Woodyard for the seat he currently holds as trial court judge. Four others--James A. Fink, Carol A. Kuhnke, Douglas G. McClure, and Erane C. Washington--want to replace the retiring Judge Melinda Morris. Carol A. Kuhnke was unable to attend the forum due to a death in her family. The Washtenaw County Bar Association hosted the event in collaboration with the Washtenaw Association for Justice, the Washtenaw Chapter of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, the Michigan Hellenic Bar Association, the Vanzetti-Hamilton Bar Association, the Ann Arbor Branch of the NAACP, and the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. Moderator was Ann Arbor attorney David Blanchard. An Aug. 7 primary will narrow the field seeking Morris' seat from four to two candidates, who will then compete in the general election on Nov. 6. Published: Thu, Aug 2, 2012

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