Monday Profile Robert Brimacombe

Robert Brimacombe is an officer, director, and shareholder of Conlin, McKenney & Philbrick, P.C. in Ann Arbor.

He grew up in Silver Spring, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C.  After high school, he spent the next eight years at the University of Michigan earning three degrees: a bachelor’s, master’s, and his law degree. 

Brimacombe married his wife after his first year of law school, and the couple celebrated 50 years of marriage this past summer.  They have two grown children—one in Ann Arbor and the other in Bend, Ore.—and two grandchildren. 

Brimacombe is a member of the Washtenaw, Michigan, and American bar associations. 

As a firm believer in giving back to the community, he has served on a number of nonprofit boards over the years.

By Jo Mathis
Legal News

Residence: Scio Township.

What is your most treasured material possession? My wedding ring.

Favorite local hangouts: Knight's on Dexter-Ann Arbor Road, West End Grill, Pacific Rim.

Favorite app: Google (Siri) and the stock market apps on my iPhone.

Favorite music: Jazz, show tunes, classical.

What is your happiest childhood memory? Going to the Chesapeake Bay on a hot Saturday. Growing up outside of Washington, D.C., it was a great way to escape the summer heat and humidity of Washington.

What would surprise people about your job? People are surprised to learn that I very rarely go to court. The nature of my practice-business, real estate, tax, and estate planning-usually does not involve litigation. When litigation does become necessary, I have a number of partners who are excellent trial lawyers who can take care of those matters.

What do you wish someone would invent? A way to get to Hawaii in three hours or less and a way that I can play golf as well as the pros at least once.

What has been your favorite year so far? There are many: the year I married my wife, the year I graduated from law school, and the years each of my children and my grandchildren were born.

How do you define success? Having a wonderful wife, children, grandchildren, and daughter-in-law and having a career that I love and the pleasure of helping others (and even getting paid for this).

Who is on your guest list for the ideal dinner party? The Supreme Court Justices who were in the majority in the "Citizens United" case so I can ask what the h--- they were thinking.

Why did you become a lawyer? I wanted a career that was challenging, where I could help people in many ways, and where I could be my own boss but yet still be part of a firm that shares my ideals.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be? Jordan Spieth.

What are the most awe-inspiring places you've been? Mauna Kea Mountain on the big island of Hawaii for an "above the clouds" sunset, in Volcano National Park at night standing on lava rocks with a red hot lava flow below my feet, the Patagonia region of South America, the Masai Mara in Kenya, and Alaska.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? To be able to be any place I want to be in an instant.

What is your proudest moment as a lawyer? Any time I can help a client.

What do you do to relax? I love to play golf. I also have a second home on a lake where I spend most of my spring, summer and early fall weekends.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do? I'd love to drive a Formula 1 car around a race track at high speed.

What is something most people don't know about you? I often end my evenings playing the piano.

What is the best advice you ever received? My dad always told me "pick a profession for a career" so you can basically be your own boss.

What do you drive? A Ford Explorer.

What would you drive if money were no object? A Ferrari. There are several models I'd love to own.

Favorite place to spend money: Hawaii.

What is your motto? Work hard, play hard, and travel often.

Published: Mon, Feb 29, 2016

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