
    March 06, 2015


    1. Jake's legacy
    2. Daily Briefs . . .
    3. SBM task force to tackle challenges of the 21st Century legal practice
    4. Heading higher


    1. Fed struggled in 2009 over how to boost economy, papers show
    2. Gloom and gallows humor in Fed's 2009 transcripts
    3. How upcoming legal cases may change the future of franchises
    4. To understand significance of Guantanamo, read 'Diary'
    5. Small Biz Small Talk How upcoming legal cases may change the future of franchises
    6. Hyper-modern changes constantly alter our lives
    7. Don't give employees the mark of the beast
    8. Airlines are at it again, changing frequent-flier programs
    9. Gloom and gallows humor in Fed's 2009 transcripts
    10. Jake's legacy Cooley law professor organizes panel about heroin addiction
    11. Congress provides proof that marijuana confuses
    12. ABA amicus brief argues 14th Amendment requires states license same-sex marriages
    13. Snyder makes appointments to human trafficking commission and board
    14. Economy Fed struggled in 2009 over how to boost economy, papers show Policymakers feared the precedents being set by bailing out banks
    15. California Pharrell tells jury he didn't copy Gaye music for hit song Trial has included detailed analysis of snippets of chords and notes from both songs
    16. Supreme Court Watch Justices: Same-day audio for April 28 gay marriage cases
    17. Heading higher OCBF organizers raise stakes for Signature Event, May 1
    18. Do you know unsung heros? Nominate them for an award
    19. SBM task force to tackle challenges of the 21st Century legal practice


    1. Airlines are at it again, changing frequent-flier programs
    2. Under Analysis: Congress provides proof that marijuana confuses
    3. To understand significance of Guantanamo, read 'Diary'
    4. Hyper-modern changes constantly alter our lives
    5. Don't give employees the mark of the beast


    1. U.S. finds racist, profit-driven practices in Ferguson
    2. Pharrell tells jury he didn't copy Gaye music for hit song


    1. Snyder makes appointments to human trafficking commission and board