JCSAPC offers holiday safety advice and tips

Special to the Legal News As the holiday season approaches and the party planning begins people will be enjoying traditions, food and family. The Jackson County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition would like to remind you that law enforcement officers will be out full-force and their message is clear, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over! Drinking and driving do not mix. The season can be one of the deadliest and most dangerous times on the roadways due to drinking and driving. If you are hosting a holiday party this season, you can help by controlling access to alcohol supplied; providing guests alternative non-alcoholic drinks; having plenty of appetizers, snacks and other food available; by making sure no one under 21 is permitted to drink alcohol; and by making sure that any impaired guest does not drive. A special campaign against drunk driving over the holidays will begin on December 16 and go until January 2, 2012. There is no holiday cheer in a jail cell. Don't let your 2011 holiday season end in arrest or a traffic crash. The Jackson County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition wants everyone to have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. If you plan to drink alcohol, here are a few simple tips to help you, your family and friends have a safe holiday season: --Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin (i.e. designate a sober driver); --If impaired, use a taxi or call a sober friend or family member; --Use the community New Year's Eve Dial-a-Ride program, which is available to Jackson County residents on a first come, first serve basis. The program is available on New Year's Eve by calling (517) 788-8410; --If you see a drunk driver, don't hesitate to contact law enforcement. More information about Jackson County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and its activities, contact Kelsey Haynes at (517) 796-5133 or via email at khaynes@uwjackson.org Published: Mon, Dec 19, 2011

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