Thursday Profile-Robert B. Reizner

Rob Reizner was born in Rockford Illinois in a maternity ward actually dedicated by the Screw Products Corporation. When his father, a doctor, was drafted during the Korean War, his family moved to Oklahoma for a while before returning to Chicago. In 1960, they moved to Michigan--which until then, Reizner thought was a lake. Reizner graduated from Marshall High School and Michigan State University, and did graduate work in education at the University of Michigan. After a brief teaching career (which paid poorly, but was fun), he became a research assistant in the University of Michigan Department of Energy Management. At age 30, he was accepted at Case Western School of Law and graduated in 1984. Reizner has practiced in Jackson and Washtenaw counties since November 1984. He was in general practice until 2000, when his fulltime focus became bankruptcy. By Jo Mathis Legal News Residence: Seemingly in my car, but for real Ypsilanti Township near the high school. What is your idea of perfect happiness? The active creative process when the pieces come together and it all works. What is your greatest fear? Waning mental capacity. Which living person do you most admire? Bobby McFarren. What is the trait you hate most in yourself? PRO-crastination, leaving things to the last minute. What is the trait you hate most in others? Without a doubt: arrogance. If you suddenly had an extra room in your house, what would you do with it? Build and art studio, mixed media. Currently reading "The Trial" by Franz Kafka. My mother always told me... Beware of half-truths, you may get the wrong half. My favorite item of clothing ... My hat and expensive shoes. What words or phrases do you overuse? Not so much words or phrases, rather repetitive stories, or inane comments, e.g. in the middle of a street: "Don't want that run down feeling." What was your most memorable meal? Gorgeous afternoon at the Tour deJorn in Paris; world famous duck, Magnum of 1975 Pomerol ($400/bottle one of least expensive there); Margritte skys overlooking the Notre Dame and Seine.... Oh and I proposed to my wife later that evening at the Louvre. What is your most treasured material possession? Martin D28 guitar, but not into material that much. If you could do one thing professionally... Hit the lotto and work at a boutique practice. Hey, I do that now....but without the money. What are your favorite websites? Googlemaps, travel sites, any techy online sales store. If you could have any car in the world, what would you drive? Lamborgini. Where have you been that you will never return--if you can help it? Playing blues guitar in a downtown dive in Newark N.J. It was drunken fun, but don't think I'm going back. What was your most embarrassing moment? As a young lawyer attempting to aid in the seminar for a large pharmaceutical company in New Jersey on fast-tracking FDA approvals. Lead person had creditials, but we had no business even trying this. Another reason I won't be back in New Jersey soon. Your proudest moment(s) as a lawyer? Tough to choose. Having an important appeal published early on and winning a post-BAPCPA argument in 2006 and having the judge run on for 20 minutes praising my brief. (Oh.... That got overturned last year by the U.S. Supreme Court In Re. Ransom. Not my case, but ruined my position....ah well) What would surprise people about your job? It is a very civil courteous bar and we help people every day. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Aggressiveness. When and where were you happiest? One time would be during a 2,200 mile solo bicycle trip in 1976. Met great people, got fit for once. What's your greatest achievement: Not sure. I tend to stay involved. Synagogue, Rotary, other service boards. Spreading cheer and bad puns, I guess. What would you say to your 16-year-old self? Girls think you are better looking and interesting than you think yourself. Do you have spiritual beliefs? Yes. I'm Jewish, but believe there are fundamental truths that all good religions find alternate paths to realize. What's the oddest thing you ever bought? Really can't say. Wasted money on many things, but truly odd stuff? What would be your ideal job? Overpaid barbershop quartet tenor. What one thing do you wish people knew about your work? We can bring order out of their chaos. What one habit do you wish you could break? Eating when not really hungry. What is something most people don't know about you? My college nickname.... and they will still not know it. What do you wish more people understood? Per Rodney King, getting along. Being able to hold an open mind when you do not agree. If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be? Churchill, Mendelssohn and Bill Clinton. Published: Thu, May 9, 2013

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