Cyber safety program reaches one million kids

Bill Schuette praises efforts of educators to bring Cyber Safety Initiative to students The Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative has now reached one million children. The Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative is a free Internet safety program for students in kindergarten through eighth grade, presented by the Department of Attorney General. "Through the Michigan Cyber Safety initiative, partnering with schools across Michigan, we have given more than one million students across our state the tools to stay safe from dangerous Internet predators," said Attorney General Bill Schuette. "I encourage schools across Michigan to sign up and schedule a presentation so their students can benefit from this free resource." Michigan CSI includes customized presentations for students in kindergarten through eighth grade offered by trained professionals. The program addresses consequences associated with the increased prevalence of cyberbullying and sexting (the transfer of sexually explicit photos via cell phones), in addition to providing important safety tips about avoiding Internet predators. According to the 2011 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, one in six U.S. high school students were bullied through email, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites, or texting in the previous year. The Michigan CSI program intends to promote a culture of compassion in schools, as well and empower students to stand up for bullied students. A study from a Canadian journal suggests more than one-half of the time, bullying stops within ten seconds of a bystander stepping in to help. Michigan CSI has now been presented to one million students throughout Michigan since its inception in the Fall of 2007. Michigan CSI presentations include age-appropriate information about safe and responsible Internet use and communicate valuable lessons through discussions about Internet safety videos. The Department of Attorney General is in the process of developing a CSI curriculum to address students in grades 9-12 and plans to launch this program in fall of 2013. The Attorney General's office sends trained Michigan CSI presenters to schools and communities across the state. For more information about Michigan CSI or to register for a free seminar in your school or community, visit, send an email to, or call the program staff toll-free, 1-877-765-8388. Published: Thu, May 23, 2013

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