Thursday Profile: Nicole Evans

Nicole A. Evans was born and raised in Detroit, and earned her bachelor’s degree at Olivet College, her master’s at Western Michigan University, and her JD at Thomas M. Cooley Law School.

She is the president of Davis-Dunnings Bar Association, second vice president of Zonta Club of East Lansing and a regular volunteer civil mediator for Resolution Services Center. 

She is the deputy court administrator for 54B District Court in East Lansing. Prior to this position, she served as East Lansing’s city clerk.


Nicole A. Evans was born and raised in Detroit, and earned her bachelor’s degree at Olivet College, her master’s at Western Michigan University, and her JD at Thomas M. Cooley Law School.

She is the president of Davis-Dunnings Bar Association, second vice president of Zonta Club of East Lansing and a regular volunteer civil mediator for Resolution Services Center. 

She is the deputy court administrator for 54B District Court in East Lansing. Prior to this position, she served as East Lansing’s city clerk.


By Jo Mathis

Legal News
Residence:  Delhi Twp
Currently reading …   As of late, bylaws, budgets and policies.  I enjoy fiction, mysteries and suspense.  Awaiting me on my Kindle is “Supreme Justice” by Max Collins, “Long Knives” by Charles Rosenberg, and “Top Secret Twenty-One”  by Janet Evanovich)
What is your most treasured material possession? A clothing label from my grandfather’s suit.  He was a tall and dapper man who had his clothes tailored. I never knew this until he passed and I came across the label in one of his suits. I keep it in my jewelry box.
What advice do you have for someone considering law school?  You can’t go into this field thinking you will make a lot of money initially. Lawyers are plentiful. Your assets will be your passion, preparedness and ability to think outside the box.
Favorite local hangouts:  Home, and pretty much any store in Eastwood Town Center. I also enjoy eating out, especially where there are great burgers, steaks and seafood.  
Favorite websites:;, Amazon, YouTube
What is your happiest childhood memory? Nearly every other Saturday, my grandfather and I would walk from my grandparent’s house to the Eastern Market in Detroit. We had a nice size vegetable garden so we went there mainly to buy fruit, some vegetables and plats of petunias.  Another favorite memory was when he would buy dry ice to make ice cream. My brother and I were responsible for cranking the handle. Child labor laws were either not in effect or not enforced. One year I asked for lime sherbet. It was years before I discovered that sherbet is not defined as ice cream soup.
Which things do you not like to do? Dishes. We now have a dishwasher but use paper plates. Go figure.
What do you wish someone would invent? Automatic Human Clone Machine. My clone would work while I traveled the world. 
What has been your favorite year so far? The year I turned 30. I felt like I “arrived.”
Does your job ever make you pessimistic?  No, it provides a different experience each day.
What word do you overuse? Absolutely!  
If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be?  It would have to be someone with an altruistic personality. Maybe Oprah or Bill and Melinda Gates. Their companies make billions on one hand; then on the other hand they provide opportunities for others through their charitable foundations.
What would you say to your 16-year-old self?  Everything you’re about to go through will be a true test and building of your character. You will be better for it.
What’s the most awe-inspiring place you have visited?  For my birthday this year, I spent a long weekend at a fitness spa in Utah. I went hiking with a group every morning. The contrast of those orange red mountains looming against that azure blue sky every morning was breathtaking. Hiking provided a lot of Zen moments for me.
If you could have one super power, what would it be? To make people be accountable for their actions. Enough with the excuses already!
What one thing do you wish people knew about your work?  I really enjoy helping staff develop and realize their professional potential.
What’s your proudest moment as a lawyer?  Personally and professionally, it’s those “aha” moments when someone understands a concept or process.
Favorite joke:  Can’t think of any jokes, but one Christmas my mom bought me a One-A- Day calendar for Lawyers. There were interesting facts and stories about famous lawyers and cases, but it was also filled with some of the most demeaning stories and jokes about lawyers. I never told her about it because she was so proud when she gave it to me. I sort of feel bad that she will find out this way. Yes, I do plan to send her a copy when this is published.
What is guaranteed to make you laugh?  My family at holidays and vacations. See previous question for explanation.
Must-see TV:  I don’t get to watch much TV. It watches me more than I watch it. However, my go-tos would have to be anything on the Food Channel and Duck Dynasty. Gotta love Uncle Si.
What’s your biggest regret? Out of respect for my husband I won’t tell that story here. If you ever see me, be sure to ask me about it.
What’s one thing you would like to learn to do? Speak Spanish fluently. I learned most (okay all) of my Spanish vocabulary watching Sesame Street as a kid.
Favorite place to spend money:
What is something most people don’t know about you? When I was an undergrad, my then boyfriend, now husband taught me how to play the game of pool. I became a pool shark. A necessary skill when your off-campus culinary creations consisted of ramen noodles and Spam.
If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be? My maternal grandparents and Michelle Obama
Can’t-live-without technology:  Hands free devices and the USB plug or AC adapter for all of my electronic gadgets.
Does anything worry you? Whether our son will have enough money to support me when I am ready to retire ?
What was the greatest compliment someone ever paid you? I make friends wherever I go.
What’s the best advice you ever received?  It doesn’t hurt to speak to people. (From my grandmother.)
If you can help it, where will you never return?  Can’t think of anyplace, but wherever it is, I haven’t gone back.
What do you drive?  A 2004 Chevy Trailblazer. I will keep a car until the wheels fall off. Car salespeople hate to see me coming.
What would you drive if money were no object?  Anything I want. As long as there are leases, money is no object.
What is your motto?  When I managed elections, the common mantra in the clerk community was “Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.” Now it’s “If not you, then who?” This reminds me of the connection and responsibility to be a productive member of my community. 
Where would you like to be when you’re 90?  I would like to be retired and living the dream, but if Social Security is not around then my backup plan is to become a sought-after bingo caller. 
What would you like carved onto your tombstone?  I am here all week!

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