Man sentenced to life in prison in son’s death
MUSKEGON, Mich. (AP) — A western Michigan man has been sentenced to life in prison without parole in the death of his 2-month-old son.
Casanova said in a Norton Shores police interview that he bounced the baby head-first on an air mattress and twice squeezed him until he stopped breathing. He originally said he fell on Tyler after tripping over his dog, which a coroner said wasn’t consistent with the child’s injuries.
Court enters dispute over sledder’s death
Chance Nash of Nunica hit an obstruction at Duncan Park and died in 2009.
The appeals court says the park actually is private land, and the city of Grand Haven doesn’t make rules for it or maintain it.
‘Tips and Tools for a Successful Practice’ seminar offered by SBM
Registration costs $100 for lawyers who have been in practice for less than five years, and $125 for those who have practiced law for five years or more. The registration fee includes seminar materials, a continental breakfast and buffet lunch. Payment and the registration form, which can be downloaded from the SBM website at, must be received by Friday, Oct. 31. No walk-in registrations will be accepted.
Participants can register online, fax the registration form to SBM at 517-372-5921, or mail it with a check or credit card payment to: Tips and Tools for a Successful Practice Seminar, State Bar of Michigan, ATTN: Finance Department, Michael Franck Building, 306 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI 48933-2012.
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