Artist maintains 'focus' for a world to see

Tom Kirvan
Legal News, Editor-in-Chief

It has been said there is no inspiration quite like a deadline.

Carole Kabrin, courtroom sketch artist, can appreciate the truism, as evidenced by her skill at slaying the deadline dragon for such clients as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, Reuters, the Associated Press, and Al Jazeera.

Recently, she was in a federal courtroom in Grand Rapids, covering the detention hearings for a series of defendants ensnared in bizarre plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Her sketches were published by The Detroit News.

“Courtroom drama provides me with an adrenaline rush that is hard to describe,” said Kabrin, who has helped chronicle some of the most newsworthy national cases over the past four decades. “You have to possess a special focus to block out the noise and everything happening around you.”

Perhaps never more so than when Kabrin was assigned by ABC to cover the Oklahoma City bombing trials of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols in 1997, some two years after the two defendants were arrested for blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people, including 19 children.

The trials included graphic testimony and horrific images of the carnage, the kind that could bring even the most hardened court officers and observers to tears.

“It was hard to keep it together at times, especially when the testimony turned to all the children who were killed by the bombing,” Kabrin related. “I had to work doubly hard to stay composed, to not let my emotions get the better of me. After all, I was trying to churn out 10 or 11 drawings a day that could be used for the nightly newscast, and the deadline was really tight since Denver was two hours behind New York time. It was crazy.”

The time challenge was heightened by a U.S. District Court judge known to have a “firm grip on his gavel.” Judge Richard P. Matsch, a University of Michigan Law School alum, presided over the McVeigh trial, and he carried a no-nonsense reputation who placed a premium on legal ethics, preparation, and punctuality, according to Kabrin.

Kabrin has “rubbed elbows” in court with the notable and notorious over a career that spans 43 years. She has drawn the legal combatants in cases involving Bush and Gore, Whitewater, boxing heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, the Underwear Bomber, former Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, Panamanian President Manuel Noriega, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, and the grand jury proceedings investigating the disappearance of former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa.

Kabrin, whose work was featured in Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine” documentary, cut her artistic teeth on the Hoffa case, racing down the hallways at the federal courthouse in Detroit to catch fleeting glimpses of several Mafia kingpins called to testify before the grand jury.

“I would scramble to get into the elevator with them, quickly sketching what I could before they were whisked away,” Kabrin recalled.

“They were actually quite nice to me. They knew I was green, but I could tell they liked my work and appreciated my hustle.”

She honed her craft while a student at Wayne State University, where she earned her bachelor and master degrees.

In 1980, she was hired by Channel 4 in Detroit, the local NBC affiliate. She later joined Channel 7, an ABC station that showcased the talents of newscaster Bill Bonds on a nightly basis.

After a decade of drawing for the local stations, Kabrin began establishing her national profile when hired by ABC to cover the 1990 trial of then Washington, D. C. Mayor Marion Barry Jr., who was entangled in an FBI drug sting operation.“I desperately wanted the chance to cover that trial and my perseverance helped give me the opportunity,” said Kabrin, who would work on retainer for ABC over the course of 12 years.

“Once I was hired by ABC, I literally was on call 24/7, and would have to drop everything I was doing to hop a plane for a case or court proceeding anywhere in the country. It was a dream come true.”

The dream, in some courtrooms, was altered when TV cameras became commonplace in judicial proceedings, but that has not lessened Kabrin’s enthusiasm for her work.

“You will see that my focus is making people look like they feel inside and not what that ‘lying camera’ sees,” she said with a laugh.

Her portraits hang in state and federal courthouses, and it is a true legal badge of honor to appear in a Kabrin drawing, even if on the wrong side of the law.

In 2002, Kabrin won a coveted Emmy Award for her courtroom art, and most recently saw her drawings of oncologist Dr. Farid Fata appear on “Dr. Oz” as it delved into  “medical fraud.”


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