City Council approves new ward and precinct lines

On March 22, the Jackson City Council approved new ward and precinct lines for the City’s six wards. These boundaries are changed every 10 years to reflect population changes from the 2020 U.S. Census and to comply with Jackson County Commission district lines. Some residents could see their ward number and where they vote in-person change. Information will be mailed out to impacted residents before the Aug. 2 Primary Election.

The City Council voted to use $2.5 million in American Rescue Plan funds to create a community kitchen and education center at the City-owned Masonic Temple building on W. Cortland Street. The kitchen will be available for residents needing a space to start and operate a small food-based business. It will also be used as a job training center to prepare residents for careers in the food industry. There is currently no timeline for when construction will begin.

The City Council approved using COVID-19 relief funds for a new heating and cooling system at the Boos Recreation Center .

The City Council approved several summer events, such as summer holiday fireworks at Cascades Park and the Jackson Juneteenth Celebration.

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