'Paws' for Celebration

The Jackson police community came together on February 13 to wish a happy retirement to K9 Gleeson. The 9-year-old German Shepherd retired after 7 years serving the City of Jackson with his handler, Detective Mike Galbreath, who has officially adopted K9 Gleeson as a family pet. 

Trained in sniffing out narcotics, handler protection, apprehension tracking and building searches, K9 Gleeson is named after Jackson Police Sgt. Michael Gleeson, who lost his nearly two-year battle with cancer in 2012 after retiring in 2011; a police officer for 32 years, Sgt. Gleeson started at the Jackson Police Department in 1990. 

Police dogs help law enforcement in many tasks, including finding narcotics, suspects, objects, and missing persons. 

The Jackson Police Department is working on finding another K9 this summer, to succeed K9 Gleeson.


Photo courtesy of City of Jackson

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