'Utilizing Mediation to Promote Mental Health Recovery' set for June 15

'The Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the State Bar of Michigan will present a webinar on “ Utilizing Mediation to Promote Mental Health Recovery” Thursday, June 15, from noon to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Mediation in mental health matters can improve both the system of providing mental health interventions and the treatment and recovery of persons with serious mental illness.

The presentation will include:

• The evolution of mediation in mental health matters.

• How mediation can lead to more treatment engagement and recovery for persons with serious mental illness.

• How mediation works in mental health matters How ADR providers can learn about mediation of mental health matters.

Speakers include Milton L. Mack, Novia Nichols, Mary Wallace, and moderator Zena D. Zumeta.

For additional information or to register, visit https://connect.michbar.org/adr/home

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