Group claims more than 100 signatures collected on petitions against Railroad Quiet Zone in Climax

By Bruce Rolfe

A group against a Railroad Quiet Zone that the Climax Village Council is considering claims they have collected the signatures of over 100 Village of Climax residents against the idea.

A petition signer who wished to remain anonymous, said some of the petition signers planned to attend the May 6 Village Council meeting to voice their concern.

The Climax Village Council approved a motion by a 5-2 vote (David Miller and Carolyn Kelly voted no) at the council’s regular meeting April 16 to hire a municipal, architectural, engineering and planning firm to perform a feasibility study and provide an estimated cost to construct a railroad quite zone at the Maple Street and Main Street crossings in the Village of Climax. OHM Advisors were hired for $4,238 to perform the feasibility study. Costs for the final design, bid documents, construction administration services and equipment used for the project would be extra. If Canadian National determines additional adjustments are necessary or equipment gets damaged and needs to be repaired, the Village would be responsible for paying for those additional costs.

The group asking for signatures against the plan, is asking the Village Council to discontinue the Railroad Quiet Zone process. However if the Council wants to continue with the process, the petition the group is circulating suggests holding an election where Village of Climax registered voters would determine whether a Railroad Quiet Zone should be implemented.

The petition states, “we, the undersigned feel that the implementation of a ‘Railroad Quiet Zone’ is not only expensive but also unnecessary. The Village of Climax has coexisted with the railroads for many years without significant issues. The funds that will be allocated for this project could be better used elsewhere - improving our infrastructure and enhancing public services. We urge you to reconsider this decision and halt the ‘Railroad Quiet Zone’ process immediately. If the Board wants to continue, we request this be voted on by the Village of Climax residents.”

The petition adds, “please sign this petition if you agree that our community’s resources should be spent wisely and on initiatives that truly benefit us all.”

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