G-A valedictorian is Korbin Nigg, salutatorian is Adrianna Wetzel

Graduation ceremonies at Galesburg-Augusta High School will be held Friday, May 31, at 6 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. A Baccalaureate service was held May 30 at the Congregational United Church in Galesburg.

G-A’s Class of 2024 Valedictorian is Korbin Nigg and the Salutatorian is Adrianna Wetzel.

Below are profiles on the G-A Valedictorian and Salutatorian, with the information provided by the students.

The Climax Crescent congratulates the class of 2024 and wishes the best in its future endeavors.

Korbin Nigg - Valedictorian

Parents names: Kevin and Bobbi Nigg
Town, city or Village you reside in: Galesburg

Any athletic, musical or scholastic accomplishments, or scholarships your have been awarded, all-state, etc.:

Band-(Solo and Ensemble Grade 1 2023, 2024, Scholar-Musician Award, Band Boosters Scholarship Recipient 2024), 2 year quiz bowl Captain and 2024 Quiz Bowl SAC Champion, 2 year NHS member and 1 year NHS Vice President, 1 year student council representative, 2024 SAC Acedemic All Honors award winner, 2 years varsity/jv baseball, Lilly Scholars at Purdue Scholarship Recipient (Full tuition scholarship), Purdue National Recognition Programs Scholarship (1,000 annually), KZCF Excellence in Education Scholarship (1200 award)

Plans for college and what field or major if you have selected one.

I plan to attend Purdue University in the fall in FYE (First Year Engineering) hopefully transitioning after my first year to study biomedical engineering.

GPA if available: 4.41

If you would like, you may add a couple of sentences about your experience at G-A High School or the G-A School District.   

“The G-A School District has been my home since Pre-k. Growing up in a small school has its ups and downs but my experience at G-A has helped shape me into who I am today and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Knowing each of my classmates by name and connecting with most since Primary School has helped me develop lasting relationships. I am forever grateful for the G-A community and everything they have given me.”

Adrianna Wetzel -Salutatorian

Parents mames: Keely and Paul Wetzel
City or Town of residence: Galesburg

Any athletic, musical or scholastic accomplishments, or scholarships your have been awarded, all-state, etc.:

Academic All-State for Volleyball, Thomas A Plein Scholarship, GAEA Scholarship, Future Educator Scholarship
Groups or organizations (in school or out of school) you have been involved in:

National Honor Society, Interact Club, and Student Council

Plans for college and what field or major if you have selected one.

Attending KVCC in the fall then transferring to a university for a degree in elementary education.

GPA if available: 4.168

If you would like, you may add a couple of sentences about your experience at G-A High School or the G-A School District:

“I have attended G-A schools since Pre-K and have had a very positive experience. I always felt like I had a second family at G-A. The community is what makes it such a great school. I had amazing friends and teachers who offered unwavering support throughout my academic journey. It’s the teachers here that inspired me to go into education.”

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