Crowds enjoy Climax Memorial Day parade

This youngster is enjoying his drive along the parade route during the Climax Memorial Day Parade.
(Photos by Bruce Rolfe)

Despite cooler temperatures, cloudy skies and an occasional mist, crowd and participation numbers for the Climax Memorial Day parade, sponsored by the C-S American Legion Post #465, and events during the day were relatively large.

There were steady lines at the food trucks, Climax Rotary food tent, and game areas in the middle of town.

The craft and vendor area in the middle of the Village also had a steady stream of visitors.

The Sunset Cruisers Car Show at the old Climax-Scotts Intermediate School had lower participation numbers due to the weather, but a large number of classic vehicles still made their way to the show.

This little guy gets set to spin the wheel in the kiddie game area Memorial Day in the Village of Climax.

Parade participants enjoying the Climax Memorial Day parade.

Pictured above are some of the vehicles that were at the Sunset Cruisers Car Show Memorial Day in Climax.