Projected student enrollment numbers at Climax-Scotts continue to climb

School board will consider 24-25 budget
with projected deficit of $115,582

By Bruce Rolfe

The Climax-Scotts Board of Education will consider adopting the 2024-2025 fiscal year general fund budget slightly over 9 million dollars and a projected deficit of $115,582, June 17.

A public hearing on the 2024-2025 budget has been scheduled for June 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board of Education Building. Last year’s operating millage was 17.3859, however this year’s operating millage, with the Headlee reduction, will be 17.4457. The debt millage will remain the same as last year, 7.30 mills.

The proposed 2024-2025 budget shows revenues at $9,171,484 and expenditures at $9,287,067 for a projected deficit of $115,582, however C-S Superintendent of Schools Doug Newington believes more revenue could be added once the state’s budget is completed.

If there winds up being a $115,582 deficit, the district’s total ending fund balance would still remain a healthy $2,027,861 (21.84 percent of the district’s expenses for the year. Auditors recommend a minimum of 15 percent).

The district projects to end the current fiscal year budget with a $31,958 deficit, which would lower the fund balance to $2,143,443 (23.95 percent).

The 2024-2025 budget was built using a blended enrollment count of 578, which includes an increasing virtual academy enrollment number. An upward enrollment trend continues for the local school district. The about to expire 2023-2024 budget was built on a blended student enrollment count of 543, and the 2022-2023 budget was developed on a projected blended student enrollment count of 529.

School of Choice, which is over 30 percent of the district’s enrollment, continues to be a critical part of the budget. Newington feels families are noticing the positive changes taking place in the district.

“We are continuously working to improve and expand our communication to parents and communities about all the good things happening in our district and for our students. Word of mouth promotion still seems to be a factor for families coming to C-S. They appreciate our culture of getting to know our kids and their families and the safe and supportive environment that we have,” observed the C-S Superintendent.

“With the successful completion of our 2018 Bond Projects, and the improvements and facility additions of our 2023 Bond Projects, we will continue to be able to improve services and options for our students. As a reminder, the new CTE Career Center is scheduled to open in the fall of 2025,” adds Newington.

Because the state’s budget is not complete yet, the district built the 2024-2025 general fund budget conservatively. The district estimates a $250 per student increase for a total of $9,858, up slightly from the current foundation allowance of $9,608 per student.

There are no staffing additions or reductions included in the proposed new budget.

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